

Early reactions to President Trump’s planned visit to Great Falls


President Donald Trump will host a rally in Great Falls on Thursday, July 5th. The event will be held at the Four Season Arena at Montana ExpoPark. Doors will open at 1 p.m., and the rally is scheduled to begin at 4 p.m.

Reaction on the KRTV Facebook page has been wide-ranging, from ardent supporters to harsh critics. Some people have noted that the event will likely cause traffic jams and detours.

Thousands of people have already visited the Trump website to get free tickets to the rally. Click here to register for tickets at the Trump website.

Laura Wight and Jasmine Cassandra are organizing an event called "Grab Him by the Hypocrisy: Rally Against Trump." They say that they are planning to hold the rally as close to the outside doors of the Four Seasons Arena as security will allow. Click here to learn more about it at their Facebook event page.

During the rally, Trump is expected to rally support for Matt Rosendale, the GOP candidate who will face incumbent U.S. Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) in the November election. Rosendale defeated several other GOP candidates in the primary earlier this month.

We will keep you updated.

(THURSDAY, JUNE 28) President Trump will visit Montana next week. White House spokesperson Lindsay Walters says that Trump will be in Montana on Thursday, July 5th.

There is no word yet on where he will be, nor for how long. However, MTN News has received several reports that large blocks of hotel rooms have been reserved in Great Falls by an "advance" team from the White House, and that White House officials have contacted several Great Falls organizations about the possibility of a Presidential visit.

Many people believe that the President is visiting Montana in support of Matt Rosendale, the GOP candidate who will face incumbent U.S. Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) in the November election. Rosendale defeated several other GOP candidates in the primary earlier this month.

Donald Trump, Jr. visited Billings last Friday to stump for Rosendale.

The last time a U.S. President visited Great Falls was in February 2005, when George W. Bush was campaigning for partial privatization of Social Security.

We will update you as we get more information.

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