

Cascade County gears up for President Trump’s visit to Great Falls


It takes a lot of moving parts to prepare for a Presidential visit, and Cascade County officials are currently working out the logistics of having President Donald Trump in Great Falls.

President Trump is scheduled to host a rally at the Four Seasons Arena on Thursday, July 5th.

This is the second time a sitting president has come to Great Falls while Cascade County Commissioner Joe Briggs has been in office.

Briggs says not only will the county be working with the city but they will also be bringing in more assets.

“The additional resources for this will be the Highway Patrol and obviously the Secret Service. The Secret Service is in charge and we fill in the gaps wherever they feel it is appropriate for us to do so,” Briggs said.

Cascade County Sheriff Bob Edwards says this is not the first time he has had to help with the trip of a sitting or former president.

"We are planning for it but we have already had these contingencies in place before. For the sheriff’s office I believe this is my fifth visit from a president or former president so we have plans in place,” Edwards said.

First responders from across Cascade County had a meeting with the Secret Service to coordinate the details of President Trump’s visit to Great Falls.

But Edwards says to make sure to pay attention to any alerts from the Sheriff’s Office or from any of the other first responders send out for the rally.

"For those of you who are going on the fair grounds and have obtained tickets we will have a lot of rules for the event. We really need you to pay attention to those rules because you could get denied,” Edwards said.

But for Briggs, one of his fondest memories was when President John F. Kennedy came to Great Falls.

“I remember being on 10th Avenue South waiting for the motorcade with my parents, so seeing a sitting U.S. President is a big thing,” Briggs said.

Leaders and officials will continue to work on the particulars of President Trump’s visit in the coming days.

We will update you as we get more information.

Thousands of people have already visited the Trump website to get free tickets to the rally. Click here to register for tickets at the Trump website.

Laura Wight and Jasmine Cassandra are organizing an event called "Grab Him by the Hypocrisy: Rally Against Trump." They say that they are planning to hold the rally as close to the outside doors of the Four Seasons Arena as security will allow. Click here to learn more about it at their Facebook event page.

During the rally, Trump is expected to rally support for Matt Rosendale, the GOP candidate who will face incumbent U.S. Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) in the November election. Rosendale defeated several other GOP candidates in the primary earlier this month.


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