

Annapolis shooting suspect “wanted to get revenge,” lawyer for harassed woman says


President Trump took a moment at a White House tax bill event Friday to mourn the five victims of the shooting at the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland. The suspect in those deaths has been charged with five counts of murder. 

"Before going any further, I’d like to address the horrific shooting that took place yesterday at Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland," Mr. Trump said Friday, in his first live remarks about the incident. "This attack shocked the conscience of our nation and filled our hearts with grief. Journalists, like all Americans, should be free from the fear of being violently attacked while doing their jobs. To the families of the victims there are no words to express our sorrow for your loss."

Investigators say the suspect in shootingJarrod Ramos, had a longstanding grudge against the newspaper. Ramos sued after it reported accurately on his guilty plea to charges of harassing a woman he went to high school with. His defamation case was dismissed. Authorities say the 38-year-old, armed with a shotgun, intentionally targeted the newspaper in a shooting that leftfive dead.

CBS News’ Chip Reid spoke to Brennan McCarthy, the attorney who represented the woman Ramos harassed. He said Ramos tormented his client for years. 

"He was as angry an individual as I have ever seen," McCarthy said. "She lost her job because of this individual….He is malevolent. He forwarded a letter to her employer, basically stating that she was bipolar and a drunkard which is ridiculous."

McCarthy said the harassment and stalking began around 2009, after they became friends on Facebook. In 2011, she took him to court, where he pleaded guilty to criminal harassment and was placed on 18-months’ probation. Five days later, the Capital Gazette wrote a story titled, "Jarrod wants to be your friend." It outlined Ramos’ alleged erratic behavior and included alleged emails he sent, telling McCarthy’s client: "go hang yourself," "you’re going to need a restraining order now," and "you can’t make me stop."

"Mr. Ramos was obsessively angry about this particular story," McCarthy said.

Ramos sued the paper for defamation in 2012. The case was dismissed in 2015 on appeal. According to court documents, the judge said, "There is nothing" to prove "anything that was published" was in fact false. 

"I for one received what I considered to be a death threat," said Tom Marquardt, who was The Capital’s executive editor at the time of the article. He said he went to police about Ramos’ threat, but was told nothing could be done.

"I feared for my life, I feared for my family’s life and I feared for my staff’s life," Marquardt said.

McCarthy said on Thursday, when he heard about the shooting at The Capital newspaper, he immediately thought of Ramos.

"He wanted to get revenge," McCarthy said. "I knew he did it….It was inevitable. He was going to do something violent. The only question was, who would he get first."

McCarthy said he spoke to his client after the shooting and she said she is still scared for her life even though he is behind bars. 

The Capital Gazette says that the victims are Rob Hiaasen, 59, a former feature writer for The Baltimore Sun who joined the Capital Gazette in 2010 as an assistant editor and columnist; Wendi Winters, 65, a community correspondent who headed special publications; Gerald Fischman, 61, the editorial page editor; John McNamara, 56, a staff writer who had covered high school, college and professional sports for decades; and Rebecca Smith, 34, a sales assistant hired in November.

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