

Children of National Guard troops enjoy Camp Runnamucka


Montana National Guard Adjutant General Matthew Quinn showed up to Camp Runnamucka in style to deliver a special message to children of the Montana National Guard.

“We don’t often recognize the real heroes of these deployments and those are the family members that are left behind,” Quinn said.

75 kids from all over the state of Montana came to the camp to not only find support but get support from other children who know what it is like to have a parent deployed.

“Because it is difficult on the families during a deployment. I know it i have deployed twice. And then my son deployed it is hard being back here,” Quinn said.

But for one soldier who flew in with Major General Quinn, this camp means more to him than just a one day visit.

“This guy did the camp seven years ago, he was sitting in the same set that you were,” Quinn said.

Specialist Cody Stipcich is now one of the crew chiefs on the UH-60 Blackhawk.

His father is in the Montana National Guard and that is how Stipcich ended up attending Camp Runnamucka.

"It was a lot of fun going here as a kid. It was something you looked forward to every year to come and do. It helps get your mind off other things, especially having a parent gone,” Stipcich said.

Stipcich’s says he was able to take his mind off his dad being away by not only finding support, but also through the fun activities they participate in during the week long camp.

"I just hope that they learn that everything is going to be fine. Also that they should come here and have fun,” Stipcich said.

Major General Quinn told the kids the best times in his career have been when he’s come home to his family from deployment.

"I still have a picture in the office of when we landed and my family was off to the side. The general was greeting me, that’s a pretty special picture to me. It is a time that you will never forget,” Quinn said.

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