

Community Connection: Independence Day Parade in Black Eagle


Independence Day is approaching, and community organizations are getting ready for the big day.

Black Eagle Volunteer Fire Department station is excited to be hosting its annual Independence Day Parade.

Fire Chief Mike Deshayes says this year’s theme is “Land of the free because of the brave.”

There is still time to submit applications for the annual event. There is no entry fee for the parade, but no political floats are allowed.

"They can go on our Facebook page, we do have an application on there that they can download and print. They can either mail it in or drop it in the mail box at the fire station. We also have applications in that mailbox that says parade application,” Deshayes said.

The parade begins at 11 a.m. on Smelter Avenue starting at 12th Street (in front of the Black Eagle Country Club) and will travel down Smelter toward the Black Eagle Community Center

The City of Great Falls is also taking applications for its parade, which starts at 11 a.m. along 1st Avenue South or Central Avenue between 8th Street and Park Drive. They will be also passing out United States flags for attendees.People are encouraged to bring water and chairs to sit in along the route. If you are interested in participating in the parade, registration entry forms can be downloaded from the city’s website or picked up at park and recreation office.

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