

Dental assistant students get hands-on experience at Emergency Dental Clinic


Great Falls College-MSU shared the following information in a press release:

When dentist Dr. Kevin Fairhurst heard how many people were showing up in local emergency departments with tooth pain, he wanted to do something about it. “At the ERs in town, their frequent fliers or the patients who come back over and over, the No. 1 need is dental care,” Fairhurst said.

Patients often end up in an emergency department because they don’t know where else to go. A trip to the ED might get them antibiotics and pain pills for temporary relief, but it typically won’t fix the root of the problem.

That’s how Fairhurst got the idea to start an Emergency Dental Clinic at Westside Family Dental, which he owns along with dentist Dr. Matthew Klinker.

Last fall, Westside Family Dental began opening its doors on Friday mornings to walk-in patients. During the Friday clinics, they offer fillings, extractions and other dental work and accept all insurance plans. “I’ve spoken to several ER doctors, and they love that we do this,” Fairhurst said.

In January, students from the Great Falls College MSU dental assistant program began volunteering during the Friday clinics.

The volunteer work is part of a service learning component of the dental assistant program, and it’s also a great way for students to learn hands-on skills, said Robin Williams, director of the dental assistant program at GFC-MSU.

“This has helped them when they go out to do their clinical externships because they have so much more hands-on experience and they’re more confident,” Williams said.

Dental assistant students also get hands-on experience in the dental clinic at Great Falls College MSU. However, volunteering at another location allows them to see a wider range of cases.

“They’ve assisted with everything from filings to root canals,” Williams said of the Emergency Dental Clinic. “It’s just a really well-rounded experience.”

Student Christa Strong has been volunteering at the emergency clinic since January.

“I like that we actually get to go to an office,” she said. “It’s given me more confidence when I walk into another office.”
Strong is finishing up her second of three clinical externships, which are done in local dentist offices.

“At the offices I’ve been at, they like that I’ve had that previous experience, and they notice it,” Strong said.

Dental assistant student Brittney Duran said the most beneficial part of volunteering at the emergency clinic is never knowing what to expect.

“You just have to be ready and be prepared to assist the dentist,” she said. “You don’t ever know what you’re going to get.”

The Emergency Dental Clinic isn’t a replacement for routine dental care, Fairhurst said. He always encourages emergency patients to find a dental home where they can get regular exams and cleanings.

“Preventing a problem is so much better than fixing a problem,” he said. “But at least if someone is in pain or has an infection they can get immediate care.”

On its busiest day, the Emergency Clinic saw 11 patients, Klinker said.

“That’s a lot of patients that wouldn’t be getting seen otherwise,” he said. “It’s taken some of the stress off of the ER.”

The Emergency Dental Clinic is offered on the first and third Friday of every month from 8 to 11:30 a.m. at Westside Family Dental, 900 10th Ave. N.W. All insurance plans are accepted during the clinic, as well as cash and credit card.

“Ninety percent of patients leave with treatment that same day,” Fairhurst said.

For more information on the Emergency Dental Clinic, contact Westside Family Dental at 406-761-1365 or visit

For more information on the Great Falls College MSU Dental Assistant program, call 406-268-3700 or click here to visit the website.

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