

Brown charged after allegedly DUI with drunk teens


Melvin Dale Brown, Jr. has been charged in Great Falls after he allegedly was caught driving a vehicle under the influence with several teens and a child, two of then also reportedly drunk.

Court documents state that a police officer responded to the Loaf & Jug store at 601 Smelter Avenue NE at about 12:30 a.m. on Saturday for a report of a drunk man trying to steal alcohol from the store.

The man – later identified as Brown – drove away heading east on Smelter. The police officer pulled him over in the parking lot of Walmart. According to the charging documents, Brown "quickly left the vehicle and began walking away as soon as he pulled over." The officer told him to return to his vehicle, but he refused. The officer then detained Brown, who gave a fake name and date of birth.

The officer smelled alcohol on Brown’s breath, and noted that his eyes were red and glossy. During a field sobriety test, Brown "showed multiple clues of impairment." Brown gave a breath sample, but refused to provide a blood sample. 

Inside the vehicle, the police officer found four children. Two were under the age of 14; the other two – ages 16 and 17 – were "noticeably under the influence of alcohol and had a 30 rack of Miller Light," as well as multiple opened beer cans at their feet. Both of the older teens were taken to the emergency department at a Great Falls hospital due to their level of intoxication.

Prosecutors requested that bond for Brown be set at $15,000.

Court documents note that Brown has been arrested for family violence/assault in Wyoming, and has convictions for unlawful contact and interference with a peace officer, both also in Wyoming.  He also has a strangulation charge in Billings from 2017.

Brown has been charged with two felony counts of criminal endangerment, and the following misdemeanors: driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (1st offense); no insurance (3rd offense); driving with suspended/revoked license; obstructing a peace officer; endangering the welfare of a child (two counts).

We have requested a booking photo from the Cascade County Detention Center, but not yet received it.

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