

A wish comes true: MT Hope Project awards RV to Bozeman teen


BOZEMAN- A 17-year-old from Bozeman was granted his biggest wish on Friday by the Montana Hope Project at Big Sky RV.

Carsten Manring has battled with cystic fibrosis his entire life. The battle to be healthy has always been a challenge, but this last year was even more difficult.

"You know, I have had always tried to tell myself that it is no different, that it is no big deal, that I can do anything anyone else can and that was probably pretty true for about five years up until this last year,” said Manring. “This last year I have been hospitalized three times. Each time for two weeks. Once in August, December, and just a week ago.”

In August, he was diagnosed with cystic diabetes, which complicated his passion for outdoor sports. He needed to keep his insulin refrigerated at all times making it difficult to camp.

"One of the struggles that I have is needing to do treatments, you know, needing to keep myself healthy, which sometimes can hold me back from going and doing the things that I like,” said Manring.

He heard about the non-profit organization Montana Hope Project, which grants wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses. It was started in 1984 by the Montana Highway Patrol, and now is funded completely through charitable donations.

"Being able to help these families help these kids get a little joy is extremely rewarding, extremely rewarding,” said Montana Hope Project Bozeman Coordinator Joe Rehbein.

Manring’s face lit up as a pop-up camper and new truck came toward him. He now will be able to keep his insulin cold while outdoors doing the activities he loves.

His breath was taken away knowing his family, friends, and multiple organizations worked together to make his wish come true.

The Montana Hope Project worked with Big Sky RV and other organizations to provide the pop-up camper. Manring’s family funded the truck.

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