

Cold-air funnel spotted east of Great Falls


A cold-air funnel was reported in the Belt and Highwood areas on Saturday afternoon.

According to the National Weather Service, cold air funnels form beneath showers or weak thunderstorms when the air aloft is especially cold.

The cold-air funnel witnessed on Saturday occurred a little after 4 p.m. and was brief.

Many viewers reported seeing it from areas such as Highway 87 near Fort Benton and northeast from Belt.

Scattered showers and thunderstorms are expected to continue throughout the weekend.

Montana typically sees several tornadoes every year in the Spring, particularly in the eastern part of the state.

Unlike those in "Tornado Alley" in the central part of the country, most Montana tornadoes are relatively small and usually touch down in sparsely-populated areas – but not always.

In 2016, an EF-3 tornado hit the town of Baker in southeast Montana; click here to read more.

In 2015, a small tornado hit near Sidney in Richland County in eastern Montana, injuring one person and causing damage; click here for details.

In June 2010, a tornado hit Billings, causing significant damage to the MetraPark facility; click here to see video.

Just several weeks later, two people were killed when a tornado struck a family ranch near Reserve in northeastern Montana.

Click here for a list of Montana tornadoes recorded between 1950 and 2012. 

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