

FBI concludes investigation of 3 Lodge Grass shooting deaths


(GREAT FALLS) The FBI on Friday released the following information about the investigation into the shooting deaths of three people in Lodge Grass in August 2017: 

On August 4, 2017, Nehemiah Brokenrope, Frank Nomee Jr., and Denise Stewart were shot and killed after entering a home on the Crow Reservation.  Occupants of the home were also injured.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) conducted an extensive, 10-month investigation.   The investigation involved numerous interviews, evidence collection and analysis, and autopsies of the deceased. 

The investigation revealed that Brokenrope, Nomee, and Stewart forcibly entered the house carrying at least one gun and possibly another gun or other weapon.  An occupant of the home had a gun.  Shots were fired.  An occupant of the home was shot in the abdomen.  Brokenrope, Nomee, and Stewart were mortally shot. 

After a careful review of the evidence and witness testimony, prosecutors concluded the investigation could not conclusively determine who shot whom, or in what order the shots were fired.  Thus, there is no way to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, who actually fired the shot(s) that killed any of the decedents.  Additionally, even if there were evidence sufficient to prove who shot whom, the United States would be unable to overcome beyond a reasonable doubt claims of self-defense and/or defense of another.  

Upon careful consideration of the evidence and after consulting with the experienced prosecutors reviewing the case, the United States Attorney determined that no charges can be filed in this case.

United States Attorney Kurt G. Alme stated, “This case has been a priority for the FBI, the BIA, and this office.  Violent deaths are a tragedy, and this incident has had deep impacts on the Crow Tribe and the residents of Lodge Grass.  We send our condolences to the entire community.”

(AUGUST 5, 2017) Methamphetamine fueled a deadly shooting in Lodge Grass on Friday, according to the Crow Tribe of Indians chairman.

Three people were shot dead; the names of the victims have not yet been released. Two other people were injured; the severity of their injuries has not been disclosed.

The shooting happened on Friday at around 4 p.m. at a home in Lodge Grass.

Chairman Alvin Not Afraid Jr. released a statement on Saturday evening remarking of the "deep sadness" the shooting has left the Crow Tribe. "I want to offer my condolences to the family and friends of those involved. I ask all Crow Members, and all Montanans, to pray for those of us affected by this tragedy as we mourn the loss of life," he stated.

Not Afraid did not specifically identify the individuals involved, including those injured and killed, but referenced the families in the statement. In his statement, Not Afraid pointed to the lack of law enforcement that was a factor in leading to the shooting.

"Since 2015 I have observed the lack of law enforcement and emergency health services in the six communities throughout the crow Indian reservation," he stated. "The shortage of law enforcement and emergency health services are more prevalent today. Currently the local BIA Law Enforcement has half the workforce positions vacant. Due to these unoccupied positions it puts a heavy burden on the current Law Enforcement working hard to ensure public safety in these communities."

Not Afraid said the cost of fighting meth is substantial and thanked agencies that responded to Friday’s shooting. He also said the tribe has amended its budget to hire three tribal law enforcement officers this week.

"This does not solve the problem in its entirety. We shall continue to amend our budget for emergency medical services and rehabilitation services."

"Drugs have a devastating affect on our communities, and yesterday’s incident is a reminder of that. But the coming days and weeks will prove the strength of the Crow Community as we come together to find healing and hope, where today we feel pain and loss. Thank you, and may God grant us the wisdom to find peace."

Families involved, according to the chairman, include Blaine, White, Nomee, Hunts the Arrow, Stewart, Morning, Hoops, Falls Down, Takes the Horse and Not Afraid. 

At last word from FBI officials, there have been no arrests at this time.

On Friday, an emergency curfew was implemented by the Crow Tribe Executive Branch for the entirety of the Crow Reservation, its residents and any vehicles driving through.

The investigation continues; we will update you as we get more information.

Related: 3 people shot dead in Lodge Grass; 2 others injured

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