

Bullock declares flooding emergency in Cascade County and Lewis & Clark County


(GREAT FALLs) Governor Steve Bullock on Wednesday declared a State of Emergency in anticipation of possible major flooding in Cascade County, Lewis & Clark County, and the City of Great Falls.

“The next few days could be a real challenge,” said Governor Bullock. “We’re doing everything necessary at the state level to protect health and safety and to preserve lives, property and resources.”

Known areas of concern for residents and businesses in Great Falls and Cascade County are Woodland Estates, Big Bend, Lower River Road, and Flood Road.

Residents can call the Great Falls Incident Commander at 406-455-8554 for questions beginning at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, or visit the City/County Health Department website and the Great Falls Police Department Facebook page for updates.

Bullock’s declaration allows the state to mobilize resources and the Montana National Guard to protect life, health, and property.

Bullock’s declaration also specified that additional jurisdictions may be added to the declaration as they declare states of emergency. At present, only Cascade County, Lewis & Clark County, and the City of Great Falls have expressed intent to declare states of emergency. State assistance is available to additional jurisdictions through coordination with each county.

This declaration is separate from the earlier spring flooding event that was the subject of Governor Bullock’s recent Presidential Major Disaster Declaration request.

The Great Falls Police Department sent the following message, and also used an automated phone call system to notify residents in the affected areas:

Due to the flood conditions being experienced in Central Montana we are anticipating the rising water may cause the Missouri and Sun Rivers to flood inside Great Falls city limits and the surrounding area. Hydrologists with the National Weather Service are predicting the Missouri River will crest around noon Thursday (6/21/18) comparable or greater than water levels experienced in 2011, to include the 100 year flood plain.

Known areas of concern for residents and businesses are.
• Woodland Estates
• Big Bend
• Lower River Road
• Flood Road

We recommend taking preliminary precautions for possible flooding and evacuation.

At 3:30pm residents may use the “fill your own” sandbag station set up in the northwest corner of the Home Depot parking lot (1500 Marketplace Drive, Great Falls). Please bring your own shovel. Shelters are being identified and will be announced in a subsequent message.

This is expected to be an extended event it is important to follow the City/County Health Department website, local television stations, and the GFPD Facebook page for updates.

DO NOT CALL 911 or the non-emergency line for information! Only call if you are experiencing an emergency that requires law enforcement, medical, of fire personnel to respond immediately.

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