

Cory Block Bakery has closed


Cory Block Bakery in downtown Great Falls has closed.

Bakery owner Alyssa Storrusten confirmed to KRTV on Monday that it closed; she said that the owner of the building already has a plan to fill the space. 

KRTV is trying to get details about the closure, and what the building owner has planned for the space.

The bakery, which opened in May of 2017, served a variety of baked goods as well as sandwiches, salads, and soups. 

It was located at #4 on 5th Street South, in the space formerly occupied by Big Sky Bakery, and before that, the Downtown Dog House.

We will update you if we get more information.

(APRIL 22, 2017) The Cory Block Bakery served up a sneak-peek on Saturday at its new business in downtown Great Falls.

It’s located at #4 on 5th Street South, in the space formerly occupied by Big Sky Bakery, and before that, the Downtown Dog House.

Cory Block Bakery hosted a soft opening on Saturday morning in conjunction with the bridal walk that happened along Central Avenue.They wanted to advertise their custom wedding cakes to the future brides walking around downtown.

Owners say the bakery will serve a little bit of everything including soups, sandwiches, salads, cakes, and pastries.

On Saturday, they were serving free samples of cupcakes, pastries, brownies, and gourmet bread.

Owners also say they want to use Montana produced flour and grain, and just be an overall high quality bakery.

Co-owner Alyssa Storrusten explained: “I went to culinary school in Canada. I moved back down to Great Falls to get married to my high school sweetheart. And I worked at a four-star hotel up in Canada for about six years, and I love pastries. I love decorating, I love making things pretty, and using sprinkles and sparkles and glitter and everything, so I’m hoping to bring that to Great Falls."

The bakery plan to officially open in mid-May. Click here to visit the Facebook page.

The “Cory Block” name refers to the area between #2 through #8 along 5th Street South, one of the first "business blocks" in downtown Great Falls in the 1880s.

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