

Volunteers wanted to help pull noxious weeds along the Rocky Mountain Front


The Sun River Watershed Group, in conjunction with several other groups, is working on controlling noxious weeds along the Rocky Mountain Front near Augusta, and is asking for volunteers to pull weeds that are affecting wildlife habitat and vegetation.

The Sun River Watershed, according to the SRWG, has experienced a steady increase of noxious weed infestation.

The group’s website says that while some areas of Montana have suffered economic and habitat loss due to noxious weeds, proactive management of noxious weeds in the Sun River Watershed is still cost-effective and physically manageable in most areas.

However, chronic weed problems exist along riparian corridors, roads, and access points to public lands. In an ever-growing number of cases, weeds are spreading from stream corridors to adjacent private and public lands. Both formal and informal weed management initiatives in the Sun River Watershed will continue to center around drainages, as landowners tend to organize themselves this way.

Additionally, drainages are a conduit for the spread of seeds and control methods are more complex in riparian areas because chemical and vehicle use is more restricted. Fighting weeds in these corridors require a lot of labor and creativity to be successful.

Sun River Watershed Group partners have substantially increased weed management on irrigated lands. Finally, by expanding Weed Management Areas (WMA) by sub drainage, we expect to improve cooperative efforts across a broad area of the Sun River Watershed.

Alan Rollo shared the following information:

WHEN:  Volunteers needed July 7th.  You may camp overnight the night before if want.

LOCATION:  Meet at the Beaver Creek turn around and the base of Gibson Dam.  Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. and the activities will start at 9:00 am.  You are on your own for transportation to and from the site near Augusta.

FOOD:  Lunch and snacks will be provided for all volunteers.

CLOTHING:  Wear good shoes such as hiking boots.  Also dress appropriately for the weather.  Gloves will be provided.

CONTACT:  Alan Rollo at 406-727-4437 or for more detail directions and confirm number of volunteers.

WHY:  Weeds can reduce vegetation so wildlife will be displaced, more erosion on mountain sides and the beautiful view will be changed forever.

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