

Morigeau charged with jumping into pickup truck and assaulting a passenger


(GREAT FALLS) Christopher Conrad Morigeau has been charged with one felony and two misdemeanors after he allegedly jumped into a pickup truck that was stopped at a red light, and then assaulted a passenger.

Police responded to the incident after receiving reports from several people who said that they had seen a man on a bicycle entered the truck and taking a woman’s purse.

According to court documents, the pickup truck was stopped at the intersection of Central Avenue and 7th Street at about 5:40 p.m. on Tuesday.

Morigeau then entered the truck without permission jumped on the passenger, and attempted to steal her purse, according to the charging documents.

The probable cause affidavit states that Morigeau took the woman’s phone and her Suboxone prescription medication.

Court documents state that the woman and Morigeau had been in a relationship which she had recently ended.

Morigeau is charged with criminal possession of dangerous drugs (felony), partner/family member assault (misdemeanor), and criminal trespass to vehicles (misdemeanor).

Court documents state that Morigeau, 40 years old, has a "long criminal history" including two convictions for possession of dangerous drugs, endangering the welfare of a child, and at least one partner/family assault. According to the Montana Department of Corrections, two of those convictions were in Lake County.

Prosecutors requested that bond for Morigeau be set at $10,000.

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