

New life and home for horse adopted by veterinary assistant after rescue


BELGRADE – At the end of April, the Gallatin Valley community came together to save close to 30 horses in desperate need of care after severe neglect.

The neglect was due to one of their owners unexpectedly passing away, leaving them without a sufficient amount of food, water, or care.

Neighbors and the Equis Save Foundation learned that the horses would most likely go to a kill pen and stepped in to rescue them.

Hardaway Veterinary Hospital donated medicine and its services to make sure all of the stallions and mares were healthy before sending them to their temporary homes.

Crystal Sharp, one of the veterinary assistants, saw one of the horses and instantly knew she had to adopt her.

Twilight, a mare who isaround 8-11 years old, was adopted by Sharp within a couple of days and taken to her new home.

"Kind of fell in love then, she was a pretty sweet little thing and she had a lot for potential. She had a great personality so yes, she needs some work but you can see that there is that inherent disposition that is there so, it is worth the work,” said Sharp.

Sharp’s goal is to continue to work with the mare at least every other day to make her more comfortable around people while teaching her how to ride.

"It’s been great to watch her, at least, watch her with her trust and confidence with us grow,” said Sharp.

The end goal is to one day be able to pass Twilight down to her six-year-old son Cayden so he can have a companion of his own. Cayden Sharp said Twilight didn’t know what treats were, but now she can’t get enough.

"Because whenever she wants a treat and she smells one, she just will just go by and try to get it and when we give her treats she just wants more,” said Sharp.

The Equis Save Foundation said 19 of the horses saved have been placed in permanent homes. The remaining are still available for adoption, but can only be used as pasture pets because they are either older or handicapped.

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