

A Waiting Child: Tara


(BILLINGS) School, singing and sports – those are the passions of this month’s A Waiting Child, Tara.

Tara is 14 years old, and just finished the 8th grade at Lewis & Clark Middle School.

She will be a freshman at Senior High School this year. “Kind of nervous,” Tara said. “It’s a really big school. “

But she still looks forward to learning. “I love school so much,” she said. “I was like homeschooled until I was like in fifth grade. And I’ve always loved going to school."

He favorite subjects are science and math, and she will sing in the choir at Senior.

“I literally listen to everything from country to heavy metal,” she said.

Tara has not thought much about what she’d like in a family

“People have been asking me that for like three years and I’m just, I don’t know,” Tara said. “I guess I’ll see when it happens. I feel like I’ll just know.“

Children who are available for adoption through the Child & Family Services Division of the Montana Department of Public Health & Human Services have been removed from their own families because of abuse, neglect, or other family problems that make it unsafe for them to remain at home. 

The rights of their parents have been terminated making the children available for adoption.

Who May Adopt?

Either married couples or single adults who have an approved pre-placement evaluation or adoptive home study may adopt in the State of Montana.

How do I get a home study?

If you live in Montana, you may begin the process by contacting your county office of Child and Family Services. If you live outside of Montana, contact your state or local office that provides these services.

What about training?

Montana Child and Family Services requires and provides special training to all of our foster and adoptive parents.  The training is offered at various times and places around the State of Montana.  If you live in Montana, information is available from your county CFS office.  If you live outside of Montana, contact your state or local office that provides these services.

Click here to learn more about child adoption in Montana.

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