

Newbury facing felony charges for kidnapping and distribution of drugs


Dale D. Newbury faces two felony charges after allegedly beating a man, giving him shots of heroin, and kidnapping him.

Court documents allege that in October of 2017, the victim visited Newbury’s house and Newbury gave him a shot of heroin. 

Documents continue that several other people were at the residence while Newbury beat the victim and then brought him to the ground.

After the altercation, Newbury gave the victim another shot of heroin and then tied his hands with material described as similar to "zip ties" and brought him outside.

According to the documents, other individuals in the residence also went outside. 

Newbury allegedly opened the trunk of a car in the driveway and told the victim to get in the trunk.

Newbury then drove around Great Falls and headed towards Stuckey Road. The victim was able to escape from the trunk.

Dispatch logs from October 8, 2017 show that Great Falls Police officers were dispatched to a residence for a report of suspicious activity. 

The documents state that upon arrival, an officer observed the victim wandering in between houses. 

The victim was out of breath, hysterical, and had a bump on his forehead. The officer also noticed what he believed to be medical restraints on the victim’s wrists.

Newbury was interviewed by the Russell Country Drug Task Force in January of 2018, but he denied kidnapping the victim and claimed the victim was not worth his time.

The court documents then state that Newbury admitted to punching the victim a few times at his house and knocking him to the floor. 

Newbury also indicated to the officer that he and "three other guys" discussed stuffing the victim in a trunk, taking him out to the country, and burying him. 

Newbury admitted he put the victim in the trunk and drove out on Stuckey Road. He also admitted he was unable to find the victim after he escaped from the trunk.

Newbury faces two felony charges for aggravated kidnapping and criminal distribution of dangerous drugs.

He has previous convictions in Montana for domestic abuse, criminal possession of dangerous drugs with intent to distribute (two convictions), criminal contempt, criminal possession of dangerous drugs, and disorderly conduct.

He also has federal convictions for distribution of dangerous drugs and conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine. 

He also has at least one bond revocation and two violations of release conditions as well as two cases currently pending in Montana Eighth Judicial District Court.

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