

Grizzly captured near Conrad’s golf course


A sub-adult male grizzly bear was captured on Monday just outside of Conrad and north of the golf course.

According to Fish, Wildlife and Parks, hazing efforts failed to push the bear away from town and so the grizzly had to be darted.

FWP stated that the bear was terrified of people, but tried to escape the wrong way towards town.

The grizzly has no history of conflict and will be relocated to the west side.

Grizzlies have made their presence known across the Rocky Mountain Front and on the prairies in the past few years.

Just over the weekend, Laticia Aimsback recorded a large grizzly along Highway 89 between Browning and Dupuyer.

In May, two grizzlies visited a home west of Valier and a female grizzly and two cubs were spotted north of the Sun River by Simms.

In April, Brad Hodgskiss shared a video of seven grizzly bears in an open-prairie grassland southwest of Choteau.

And last July, two grizzlies were captured west of Stanford after killing several calves that belonged to the Surprise Creek Hutterite Colony.

For more tips and resources about encountering a grizzly or recreating in bear country, visit FWP’s website. The Montana FWP Prairie Bear Monitor Facebook page also provides updates and information about grizzlies across the region.


For more information on what to do during a grizzly bear encounter, visit

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