

“Summer Jam” is coming to downtown Great Falls


Downtown Great Falls will look and sound a little different a few Wednesdays this summer.

Mighty Mo Brewing Company, Enbar, and Fat Tuesdays are bringing a concert series called the Downtown Summer Jam to the community starting in June.

The Downtown Summer Jam will kick off with Waterloo Revival, a country duo from Texas, on June 27, at the intersection of Central Avenue and 5th Street.

Austin Jenckes will be performing on August 8, and on August 29, the Cadillac Three will end the concert series.

Seth Swingley, co-owner of the Mighty Mo Brewing Company, said this will be a lot different from the other live music that’s put on during the summer.

“It’s not going to be local music like we do downtown a lot of times. We kind of took a step out and we’re trying to bring in some country artists that they have songs on the radio,” said Swingley. “You’re going to recognize some of the songs, you might not recognize their band names, but they’re all national recording artists so it’s exciting to create kind of a concert venue instead of a street party.”

Tickets for the event are now on sale.

You can buy tickets at the event website, at Enbar, or The Mighty Mo Brewing Company.

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