

Boeing working on next generation of ICBM program


Boeing has had a presence in the Great Falls community since the Cuban Missile Crisis, and now the company is working on o the next generation of the intercontinental ballistic missile system.

"They determined that it is much more cost effective to replace rather than repair or upgrade,” Andy Healy, Strategic Deterrent Systems Business Development Senior Manager said.

Boeing and Northrup Grumman are currently in a three-year long process to develop the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent System.

Boeing is currently working on building relationships throughout Montana to make sure the infrastructure is in place to get the  GBSD in place.

"You just can’t bring in the kind of talent that we are going to need. Fortunately for us the missile bases and areas like great falls that already have that inherent capability for the various industries that are already here,” Healy said.

Boeing will also be meeting with airmen at Malmstrom Air Force Base to make sure the new system fits their needs.

The Air Force has told the two companies they would like the next generation of the ICBM system to operate for 50 years, or until about 2075.

"This is the bedrock of national deterrence. This is why people do not entertain on any given day attacking the United States or our allies,” Healy said.

It will be about another two years until the Air Force picks which company will manufacture the GBSD.

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