

Controlled burns allowed in Cascade County with permit


Fire crews responded to a small wildland fire north of Great Falls along Bootlegger Trail on Sunday.

According to Black Eagle Fire Chief Mike Deshayes, the fire was originally a controlled burn and the homeowner had a hose ready in case the burn got out of hand.

The hose broke, however, and the homeowner requested assistance.

Black Eagle, Vaughn, Gore Hill, the Montana Air National Guard, and Malmstrom Air Force Base were all called but Black Eagle was able to manage the fire after arriving on scene.

"Once our trucks were on scene, we were able to start getting our resources together," Deshayes said. 

The fire burned a little more two acres.

Controlled burns in Cascade County are issued to limit the amount of time volunteers spend responding to non-emergency calls and instead allows them to focus on true emergencies.

Permits also help the county track the locations for approved burns so emergency personnel can more easily determine whether smoke or fire is an emergency.

According to Cascade County, a person must have enough water, hand tools/equipment, and people to keep the fire under control.

If a person does not activate a burn permit before burning, the fire department may respond even though the fire is under control.

If the fire escapes control, a person may be cited and fined and may have to pay the cost of suppression and any damages caused to another person’s property.

Burn permits are legally allowed on private land in Cascade County and Neihart with a county permit. Burning is not allowed in Great Falls or Belt. There is no burning allowed in Cascade unless approved by the Town Council.

For more information about Cascade County burn permits, please visit the county’s website or contact the Clerk and Recorder’s Office at 454-6801.

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