

Power outage affecting parts of Great Falls and Black Eagle


A power outage is affecting hundreds of people in Great Falls.

The power outage was reported just before 11 a.m. on Friday.

NorthWestern Energy’s website map indicates that the outage is centered on the east side of Great Falls.

According to website, at least 600 customers are affected.

"Customers" refers to a business or a residence, so the number of people without electricity is often much higher than that figure.

As of 11:13 a.m., the company says: "We are aware of a reported outage. Please contact us if you are out of power."

One of the markers on the outage map states that power is expected to be restored by 1:30 p.m.

There is no word yet on the cause of the outage.

From the KRTV Facebook page: 

Brandon Skogen: Anyone else lose power on 8th Ave N ?
Courtnie Solis: We lost ours on 2nd N
Tiffany Tesfay: 4th ave n and 26th st
Miriam Macdonald Martinson: We don’t have power 7th ave north
John Enright: Power outage in Black Eagle.

Safety reminder: if traffic lights are not working due to a power outage, the intersection must be treated as a four-way stop.

We will update you if we get more information.

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