The Lodge Grass man who was shot and killed by a Bureau of Indian Affairs officer on Sunday night has been identified as Ruben Stewart.
Big Horn County Coroner Terry Bullis says that Stewart, a Lodge Grass resident, was 36 years old.
Stewart’s grandmother called police Sunday before 7 p.m. to have Stewart removed because he was intoxicated.
When the BIA officer arrived, Stewart began to move out of the house with a knife in his hand, according to Lodge Grass Mayor Quincy Dabney.
Dabney said Stewart was barely on the porch when the officer shot him five or six times, killing him.
The name of the officer who fired the shots has not yet been publicly released, but a BIA spokeswoman said the officer is on administrative leave.
The BIA directed all information requests to the FBI.
The FBI, which is handling the investigation, has declined to comment.
(APRIL 16, 2018) A Lodge Grass man is dead after he was shot by a Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) officer on Sunday night, according to Lodge Grass Mayor Quincy Dabney.
Dabney said a woman called authorities at around 7 p.m. to either talk to or remove her grandson from the premises because he was intoxicated.
The BIA officer responded to the home near the intersection of Main Street and George Street, according to Dabney.
That’s where the man reportedly brandished a hunting knife and started to move outside.
As the man stepped out onto the porch, Dabney said the man was shot five to six times by the officer.
"Maybe it was adrenaline?" said Dabney. "No way this should have happened."
Dabney said the man killed by the officer is a Lodge Grass resident age 36 or 37.
An emergency meeting was called Sunday night for residents of Lodge Grass at the Lodge Grass City Hall building.
The names of the officer and man killed were not immediately released.
The FBI, BIA, and Big Horn County Sheriff’s Office are continuing to investigate.
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