

Stanley found not guilty


Frank Stanley was found not guilty on Thursday evening on charges of assault with a weapon, assault on a minor, and intimidation.

In December of 2015, according to prosecutors, Stanley and Wesley Adams made their way into the victim’s apartment.

Court documents alleged that Stanley threatened and assaulted the victim and her daughter. 

He reportedly told her that if Adams went to jail for previous charges he would kill her and her family.

The victim was able to get away and scream for help and neighbors called 911.

(DECEMBER 7, 2015) Wesley Joseph Adams and Franklin Joseph Stanley are facing charges of kidnapping and assault after allegedly beating a woman and child and holding them against their will.

Adams and Stanley appeared via video at the Cascade County Courthouse on Monday.

The incident happened at a residence on 6th Street South in Great Falls. According to court documents, the two men began assaulting a woman outside her apartment on Saturday, December 6th.Stanley allegedly held the pointed end of a sharpened scarecrow lawn decoration to the woman’s throat and threatened to kill her.

Court documents also allege that Stanley assaulted the victim’s four-year-old daughter by allegedly grabbing her by the chin and pushing her against a wall. When the mother tried to run for help, Adams reportedly grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the ground.

According to charging documents, Stanley said words to the effect of, "She sure is  pretty little girl. It would be a shame if I had to kill her." The victim managed to call for help from a window.

Court documents state that both men then ran away, but were later apprehended. The woman sustained bruising on her face and a bloody lip.

Adams is charged with felony intimidation, felony kidnapping, and misdemeanor partner/family member assault. He has several convictions, including tampering with a witness/informant; assault on a peace officer, criminal endangerment, and partner/family member assault.

Stanley is charged with felony assault with a weapon, felony assault on a minor, felony intimidation, felony kidnapping, and misdemeanor driving with suspended/revoked license. He has several convictions, including robbery, theft, escape, and failure to register as a violent or sexual offender.

They are being held on $50,000 bond each.

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