Neighborhood NewsGreat Falls - Cascade County


Black Eagle hosts annual Independence Day parade

Black Eagle hosts annual Independence Day parade (2023)
Black Eagle hosts annual Independence Day parade (2023)
and last updated

The community of Black Eagle celebrated Independence Day on Tuesday with its annual parade.

Black Eagle hosts annual Independence Day parade

It began at the Black Eagle Country Club and ended at the Black Eagle Community Center. The parade featured bagpipes, fire trucks, motorcycles, horses, and more.

People lined the streets to watch the parade roll by and catch candy thrown from participants.

The annual event is organized by the Black Eagle Volunteer Fire Department.

Shawna Mittan has been with the BEVFD since October and said she was honored to coordinate this event: “It took a little over two months to come together and to make sure we had the resources to pull this off and just get in contact with everybody."

Mittan said this year was a great turnout and she, along with the rest of the community of Black Eagle, is looking forward to next year’s parade.

“I also just want to say thank you for everyone that participated,” said Mittan. “We had an amazing turnout and I’m so excited for next year.”


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