

Here are the 24 Democrats who are running for president

and last updated

The 2020 Democratic field is taking shape.

Here’s a look at the nearly two dozen Democrats who have thrown their hats into the ring and announced a campaign. We’re going to keep updating this list through the campaign season as candidates announce their intentions or drop their bids. For the latest 2020 election news, check out CNN’s full coverage.

Announced campaigns

Sen. Michael Bennet

AGE: 54

STATE: Colorado

KNOWN FOR: Bennet, the former superintendent of Denver Public Schools, was forced to hold off on entering the race following a diagnosis and subsequent treatment of prostate cancer in April. Having served in the Senate since 2009, Bennet has pitched himself in pre-campaign appearances and speeches as a pragmatic lawmaker who has a progressive voting record.

Former Vice President Joe Biden

AGE: 76

STATE: Delaware

KNOWN FOR: Biden’s long-anticipated announcement marks his third presidential campaign after he passed on a 2016 run. His name recognition, decades of experience and ties to former President Barack Obama are seen as his greatest assets. But his track record on — and public response to — making some women uncomfortable with his behavior could be an obstacle to gaining modern voters, some of whom may also think that the party needs new, more diverse representation.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio

AGE: 58

STATE: New York

KNOWN FOR: The two-term New York mayor has enjoyed success on several largely progressive issues such as universal pre-K, raising the minimum wage and a low murder rate during his tenure. But he will likely have to face his home state’s famously aggressive press corps, which is expected to follow him on the trail, as he seeks to establish his identity as a national candidate.

Sen. Cory Booker

AGE: 50

STATE: New Jersey

KNOWN FOR: Booker, who boasts a Twitter following of more than 4 million people, gained national recognition during his tenure as Newark’s mayor, at times answering pleas to shovel residents out after major snowstorms.

Gov. Steve Bullock

AGE: 53

STATE: Montana

KNOWN FOR: Bullock, who served as Montana’s attorney general before being elected governor in 2012, plans to lean heavily into his success in winning over Trump voters. During his re-election in 2016, he won by 4% at the same time Trump won Montana by more than 20%. His announcement video highlighted his successful efforts to expand Medicaid, his support for gay marriage and his bipartisan effort to ban dark money from the state’s politics.

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg

AGE: 37

STATE: Indiana

KNOWN FOR: Known locally in South Bend, Indiana, as “Mayor Pete,” Buttigieg served as a naval officer in Afghanistan. Buttigieg, though a long shot, would be the youngest and first married gay president if elected. He would also be the first candidate to go from the mayor’s office to the presidency.

Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro

AGE: 44

STATE: Texas

KNOWN FOR: The son of a Chicana activist, Castro served as mayor of San Antonio in 2009, focusing on education initiatives. Castro is currently the only Latino in the 2020 field.

Former Maryland Rep. John Delaney

AGE: 56

STATE: Maryland

KNOWN FOR: A self-made businessman, Delaney at one point was the youngest CEO on the New York Stock Exchange. Delaney has been running the longest — he declared his candidacy in July 2017 — but is still working to gain name recognition.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard

AGE: 38

STATE: Hawaii

KNOWN FOR: Gabbard is the first American Samoan and the first Hindu member of Congress, and brings her experience as an Iraq War veteran to the House Armed Services Committee. But she will have to overcome obstacles both old and new, including recent internal campaign turmoil and her controversial secret meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in 2017.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

AGE: 52

STATE: New York

KNOWN FOR: Gillibrand campaigned as a child with her grandmother Dorthea Noonan, a longtime presidentof the Albany Democratic Women’s Club. The New York Democrat called for former Sen. Al Franken to resign and has acknowledged her increasingly progressive stances on immigration and gun reform running counter to previous positions she held running for the House.

Sen. Kamala Harris

AGE: 54

STATE: California

KNOWN FOR: Harris is the daughter of Jamaican and Indian immigrants and grew up attending both a Baptist church and a Hindu temple. Her progressive stances supporting Medicare-for-all and marijuana legalization could clash with her law and order history as a former California state attorney general, including her previous support of reporting arrested undocumented juveniles to ICE.

Former Gov. John Hickenlooper

AGE: 67

STATE: Colorado

KNOWN FOR: As the head of Colorado from 2011 to 2019, Hickenlooper helped steer the state through several tragedies, including the 2012 shooting in a movie theater in Aurora that left 12 people dead and catastrophic wildfires and floods in 2013. Before his two terms as governor, he served as Denver’s mayor for eight years, after opening a large brewpub there in 1988 that went on to help reinvigorate the LoDo area of Denver.

Gov. Jay Inslee

AGE: 68

STATE: Washington

KNOWN FOR: Inslee, who has held elected office for much of the last three decades, has been an outspoken progressive executive since he became governor in 2013. He has been a vocal opponent of President Donald Trump, including suing the President after he tried to ban immigration from several Muslim-majority countries. Now, Inslee is running as the climate change candidate.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar

AGE: 59

STATE: Minnesota

KNOWN FOR: Klobuchar announced her run outdoors as it snowed, which she tied to her commitment to a “homegrown” campaign with “grit.” The Minnesota moderate is looking to work across the aisle and win back fellow working class midwesterners.

Miramar Mayor Wayne Messam

AGE: 45

STATE: Florida

KNOWN FOR: The child of Jamaican immigrants, Messam is a first-generation American who holds progressive views on immigration, guns and the environment. He was part of a group that sued the state of Florida in 2018 over a law that restricted his ability to create municipal gun regulations after he wanted a new amphitheater in his city to be a “gun-free venue.”

Rep. Seth Moulton

AGE: 40

STATE: Massachusetts

KNOWN FOR: Moulton, a Marine Corps veteran, raised his national profile after trying and failing to prevent Rep. Nancy Pelosi from reclaiming the speaker’s gavel. He later voted for her after Democrats retook the House last year. Moulton’s longshot bid is expected to focus heavily on veterans’ issues and national security. If elected, he would be the youngest president in American history.

Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke

AGE: 46

STATE: Texas

KNOWN FOR: O’Rourke, a rising star in the Democratic Party,ran unsuccessfully for a Senate seatin 2018 while serving his third term in the House. With roots in El Paso, O’Rourke gained national attention during his Senate race when a video of him answering a question about NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem went viral. He made an off-the-cuff riff about the civil rights movement as he defended players for making their case “nonviolently, peacefully, while the eyes of this country are watching.”

Rep. Tim Ryan

AGE: 46


KNOWN FOR: Ryan, whose district includes Youngstown, Ohio, enters the presidential race as a longshot candidate with less name recognition than most candidates and a far smaller political network. He has become most known in Democratic circles for his opposition to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi retaining her leadership positions, though he later voted for her when Democrats elected her speaker earlier this year.

Sen. Bernie Sanders

AGE: 77

STATE: Vermont

KNOWN FOR: Sanders’ democratic socialist platform gained significant traction during the 2016 primaries, when the independent senator who caucuses with Democrats ran against Hillary Clinton. His policy agenda includes various progressive proposals, many of which have been embraced by the Democratic Party, like expanding health care, broadening the social safety net and making higher education free.

Former Rep. Joe Sestak

AGE: 67

STATE: Pennsylvania

KNOWN FOR: Sestak ascended to become a 3-star admiral in the US Navy during a 31-year military career prior to his election to the House of Representatives in 2006. He represented Pennsylvania’s 7th District until mounting a pair of ultimately unsuccessful campaigns for the Senate in 2010 and 2016, respectively.

Billionaire Tom Steyer

AGE: 62

STATE: California

KNOWN FOR: Steyer, whose net worth reached $1.6 billion this year according to Forbes, has operated as a funding force in Democratic politics in recent years, bankrolling candidates and organizations that promote liberal causes, including the impeachment of Trump. The 2018 House races marked the third consecutive election cycle in which Steyer spent more than $100 million supporting Democratic candidates.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren

AGE: 70

STATE: Massachusetts

KNOWN FOR: Warren was appointed as assistant to President Barack Obama and special adviser to the Treasury secretary in order to launch the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. She was also appointed to a congressional oversight panel overseeing the $700 billion Trouble Assets Relief Program that was passed in response to the 2008 financial crisis.

Spiritual author Marianne Williamson

AGE: 67

STATE: Texas

KNOWN FOR: Williamson is best known for being a spiritual counselor to Oprah Winfrey and has written several best-selling books, including her debut “A Return to Love.” She is calling for “a moral and spiritual awakening in the country” with her campaign.

Businessman Andrew Yang

AGE: 44

STATE: New York

KNOWN FOR: Yang is an entrepreneur who launched Venture for America, a fellowship program that aims to connect recent grads with startups. He wants to give all Americans a universal basic income of $1,000 per month to address economic inequality.

Considering a run

Former Georgia House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams

Decided not to run

Sen. Sherrod Brown (took himself out of consideration on March 7, 2019)

AGE: 66


KNOWN FOR: A liberal populist, Brown won three terms in Ohio, a state that has been trending Republican in recent years. Brown would’ve offered Democrats a candidate who could reconnect with voters in the Midwest. Before deciding not to run, he had embarked on a “listening tour” that included stops in the four key early voting states in the 2020 primary.

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (took himself out of consideration on March 5, 2019)

AGE: 77

STATE: New York

KNOWN FOR: Bloomberg hinted at a run for months before deciding against it. He had portrayed himself as a moderate against progressive projects such as Medicare-for-all but with extensive experience and campaign funds to put toward key Democratic issues such as climate change and gun control.

Former Attorney General Eric Holder (took himself out of consideration on March 4, 2019)

AGE: 68

STATE: New York

KNOWN FOR: Holder served as President Barack Obama’s attorney general until 2015. Holder had told several Democrats — and “The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert — that he was “interested” in pursuing the nomination, but ultimately he opted not to launch a campaign.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry (took himself out of consideration on June 10, 2019)

AGE: 75

STATE: Massachusetts

KNOWN FOR: Kerry served on the Cabinet during President Barack Obama’s second term. Prior to that, he spent 28 years representing Massachusetts in the Senate, and was the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee. During an interview with Sky News, he ruled out another presidential run, saying he was “delighted” that Biden had gotten into the 2020 race.

Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (took himself out of consideration on April 17, 2019)

AGE: 62

STATE: Virginia

KNOWN FOR: McAuliffe previously served as governor of Virginia and chairman of the Democratic National Committee and has an extensive fundraising network. He opted instead to help coordinate the campaigns of Virginia’s local and national Democratic lawmakers “to make sure that we are blue” for 2020.

Sen. Jeff Merkley (took himself out of consideration on March 5, 2019)

AGE: 62

STATE: Oregon

KNOWN FOR: Merkley, the junior senator from Oregon, has focused on holding the Trump administration accountable on immigration policy, specifically family separations at the southern border. He opted in March to devote himself to his Senate re-election campaign over the next two years.

Dropped out

Former congressional candidate Richard Ojeda

AGE: 48

STATE: West Virginia (dropped out January 25, 2019)

KNOWN FOR: A former Army paratrooper, Ojeda served for 24 years, earning the rank of major and serving in both Iraq and Afghanistan. A 2016 Trump voter, he focused on school finance reform and issues facing the middle class before dropping out of the race in late January.

Rep. Eric Swalwell

AGE: 38

STATE: California (dropped out July 8, 2019)

KNOWN FOR: The Democrat who represents California’s 15th Congressional District entered the race as a long-shot candidate in a crowded field. A frequent critic of the Trump administration, Swalwell raised his profile by becoming a staple on cable television. He focused on combating gun violence, and traveled to Iowa in December with Cameron Kasky, who’s a survivor of the 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and a co-founder of March for Our Lives.

UPDATE: This story has been updated to reflect CNN’s official tally of the 24 major Democratic candidates running for their party’s nomination for president.