

Whitney Way Thore doesn’t want weight loss praise

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The star of “My Big Fat Fabulous Life” is continuing her advocacy of body positivity by speaking out about weight loss praise.

Whitney Way Thore posted a video on her official Instagram account speaking directly to her followers about recent comments regarding her appearance.

The video was posted with a caption which read in part “Reminder: your value does not increase if your weight decreases. You can implement healthy behaviors as a fat person or a thin person independent of weight.”

“I’ve been reading my comments, and a large majority of them are people congratulating me for losing some amount of weight that you have perceived that I have lost, but I guarantee you that I’m still fat as s**t and this hasn’t changed from Day One,” she said in the video.

Thore’s TLC reality series follows her life as a dancer who gained more than 200 pounds due to polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Thore frequently shares videos of her dancing and working out and is the author of “I Do It with the Lights On: And 10 More Discoveries on the Road to a Blissfully Shame-Free Life.”

She said in her recent video that she is “just not out here to be anybody’s weight loss inspiration.”

“If you’re inclined to be inspired by me I appreciate that, I see you, but I’m just a complex human being focusing on a lot of other things in life besides losing weight,” she said.

“So it’s just not something I will ever feel comfortable saying thank you for. If you’re inspired by me that’s wonderful, I’m glad, but I hope it’s because I’m a woman who learned to love herself no matter what size she is.”